Author: Niranjan Gidwani

Niranjan Gidwani is a Certified Independent Director (MCA-INDIA), board advisor, and former CEO of Eros Group Dubai, with expertise in governance, ESG, and digital transformation. A member of the UAE Superbrands Council and GCC Board Directors Institute, he is a thought leader in business excellence and sustainability.

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, staying competitive means more than just offering quality products. It is becoming more and more  about delivering an exceptional customer experience. One of the most transformative tools for achieving this is available in the form of technology.

Q-commerce, the next evolution in  online shopping, is rapidly transforming the  e-commerce landscape. By offering ultra-fast delivery services, Q-commerce is redefining consumer expectations and challenging traditional e-commerce models. As this new approach gains momentum, particularly in densely populated regions, it’s clear that Q-commerce is more than just a passing trend—it’s the future of shopping.

Technology and innovation are accelerating at a speed never seen before in history. Mankind has now started experimenting with the science of teaching computers to solve problems. This is what we term as “machine learning”. The world has therefore started unlocking a new and exciting world of tools: artificial intelligence.