Thought Collectiv


We have often heard the term “Road Rage”. To a large degree, the experience of road rage is universal. Does the relative anonymity of driving lead to an exaggerated emotional response when feeling slighted or threatened or cut off by someone? Does being in the relative comfort and anonymity of one’s vehicle increase the potential for one’s rage? If the answer is a likely “yes”, imagine what the anonymity and dehumanization of the Internet does to virtual interactions. So, I coined a new abbreviation called OCR – Online Consumer Rage. And made a short synopsis pdf/ppt touching upon some salient points of this trend. While the synopsis covers Online Consumer Rage, if one were to introspect deeply, a general feeling is that online rage is on the rise. More and more people seem to be indulging in tearing down brands, companies, even indulging in false slander about individuals, sometimes even creating fake ids to indulge in mischievous slander. Since the pdf is a synopsis, it covers some key areas/elements, not necessarily all issues. Fortunately, for many like me, we live in a part of the world (UAE) where laws against online negative criticism or slander are very strict. Despite that, yours truly has been subjected to periodic slander through one-time fake ids created by some. A happy new week of instrospection…………. #Rage #onlinerage #consumerrage #ragevsdislike #socialmedia responses #voiceofcustomer #possibleremedies
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